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Alan Bergsneider [2001 Edition]
by Mr. & Mrs. Bergsneider
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Dedicated CS-Eng & Applied Statistics student at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. This model is working as an extended intern following the end
of a great summer internship with Humana as a software and cloud engineering intern, and has accepted an offer to work at Amazon (!!!) next summer (2022)
as a software development engineer intern. This model's unsupervised learning algorithm has found interest in software / algorithm development, quantitative
development, and artificial intelligence.
Click to see a project I'm working on this summer!
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In Stock Winter 2022.
Ships from Metro Detroit
Sold by The Bergsneider Family
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Some projects completed by this item
Python Discord Bot
This project was one I completed in an afternoon. The inspiration for the project was from my initial intrigue in creating a discord bot and using the discord library in Python, however I was unsure of what to make a bot for. I asked my friend and his older brother heard and told me to make one that essentially ruins any picture sent to a discord server, so that's what I did. This bot will take an image sent to a server channel by a user, compress it (shrink it and widen it by factors of 5) and send it back to the chat. As a special bonus, it deletes the original sender's message containing the image, so only the compressed photo can be seen. This project only took an hour or so (mainly to learn how to use the library and such), and was a fun gag that I enjoyed making.
Shopping with C++
This project was done in my CSE232 C++ course, and involved my first uses of structs and algorithms in C++. Other data structures used throughout the project included maps, vectors, and strings. In this project I make a program that takes in a user's shopping list as well as store information and returns where to find the items on the shopping list at the cheapest price, as well as how much to bring before leaving to shop. In this project I learned the power of user-defined structures and how much more efficiently data can be stored, and enjoyed it thoroughly!
Coding a Keylogger with Python
In this project I utilize the pynput and pyperclip python libraries to create a simple Keylogger. This code should not be used with malicious intent. This keylogger tracks key-strokes in the logger.log file that it creates when the user presses their first key after running the program. This porject was extremely quick to make and fun to play around with, I saw how the accuracy of my typing could change for the worse rather quickly with it. Another short and sweet project that I got to learn a bit more Python with!
Self Destructing Messages with C++
This was another project completed in my CSE232 C++ course, in which I create Self Destructing Message structures that do as they are called: Self Destruct! The purpose of these data structures are to hold sensitive messages and a user-defined maximum amount of views for the messages, and once a message's views have been expended, the message is gone forever! This project involves my first uses of classes in C++, as well as accompanying topics such as constructors, overloading operators, and old content such as pointers. This project was fun and was a great way to become better at making & using classes and different functions within them to create objects in C++.
Basic iOS App with Swift
This project was a very short app I made for iOS on XCode using Swift. It is a one-screen app with no real purpose other than to get started with XCode and Swift and begin my journey of iOS development. I learned how to create functions and gesture recognizers that work with the visual elements of an app to complete a job, and am excited to learn more regarding iOS development!